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Noel Hyland

B.Psych, M.Psych (Clinical), MAPS

Clinical Psychologist



Since 2000, I have assisted adults with a broad range of difficulties and challenges including:  


  • Anxiety - panic attacks, general, specific and social anxiety.

  • Depression.

  • Low self Esteem and Problematic Self Concept.

  • Adjustment Issues - being diagnosed and living with a chronic health condition (e.g. HIV, HCV, STI, Immunological Disorder) or experiencing another significant life changing event.    

  • Grief and loss.

  • Concerns regarding Sex - enjoyment, health, self acceptance, functioning (erectile dysfunction, libido, compulsive sexual behaviour / hypersexuality), pain conditions (Vulvar Vestibulitis, Dyspareunia), problematic use of pornography, unwanted pregnancy and termination.  

  • Concerns regarding Sexuality - self discovery, understanding, identity, self expression, acceptance, disclosure, negotiating personal boundaries / sex / relationships and becoming part of a community (LGBTIQ+, Poz and Kink)

  • Concerns regarding Gender - self discovery, understanding, identity (binary, non-binary, fluid, unique), expression, acceptance, social, medical and workplace transitioning.  


My therapeutic style is client-centered, coming from a stance of unconditional regard.  I avoid taking on an expert or authoritarian position, and maintain the therapeutic conversation as one of mutual learning and mindfulness of the adage, "you have your mountain to climb, and I have mine".  


My therapeutic approach is primarily Schema Therapy & Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), but I also draw from other evidenced-based therapeutic modalities including: 


  • Imagery-Based CBT

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

  • Motivational Interviewing 

  • Brief Solution Focused Therapy.

  • With elements of Psycho-dynamic Psychotherapy.


In terms of working with matters around sex and sexuality, I take a Sex-Positive and Health Approximation stance.


With matters of gender, I advocate for self-determination, self realisation and an informed consent model of care. 


These stances honor individuality, complexity and diversity of all human experience, assisting myself and others to remain true to self despite internal (your own prejudices, biases, misconceptions) and external (family, cultural, religious, social) pressures to conform.  


Being informed by a variety of approaches, enables me to tailor assessment and treatment to each individual and their unique experience.     



Assessment is essentially aimed at assisting both of us to understand the person you are, your past experience, and gain insight into the problems / challenges you have come with.  Treatment is fundamentally aimed at the goals of (self-directed with compassion) change, or if change is not possible, forgiveness and acceptance. 


The prospect of change can be confusing, distressing and seem unobtainable, but with support, guidance, exploration, education, learning, insight building, self-directed change oriented action, challenging of problematic thinking / behaviour, it can become achievable. 



Forgiveness involves compassion to self and / or another.  The complexity of forgiveness, may mean forgiving oneself for being a perpetrator and / or victim (letting go of self blame).  



Acceptance of the past, the present and all of our emotions (even if unwanted) may be achieved with expression, reprocessing, reconsidering and learning to respond in healthy ways to your emotional experience.     


To further develop and maintain my professional skills, I attend yearly Professional Development and peer supervision, beyond the registration requirements set by Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA) and the Australian Psychological Society (APS).



I have engaged in my own psychotherapy, giving me insight into my personal vulnerabilities and personality traits.  This assists me to identify your transference and my own counter-transference, simply put, what is yours, what is mine, and what is helpful for the therapeutic conversation.     



I enjoy a very mutually supportive and connected-with-others lifestyle.  My partner, friends and family are important in supporting and sometimes challenging me, shaping my evolving sense of self, sharing the adventures and challenges that bring meaning to my life.  I maintain my health with a largely plant-based diet, mindfully honoring the animal-based foods I have the privilege to eat.  I exercise most days and meditate weekly.    



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