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24 hour Crisis and Support Options:

Therapeutic Conversations Clinical Psychology is not able to provide crisis support or an emergency response.  Below are options for such in and around Subiaco, or via a telephone and the internet.    

If you or another person is at risk of harm, telephone 000 for immediate assistance from the Police or Ambulance service.  Both can provide mental health support services, either where you are or in a hospital.   

If you or another person is in crisis, but not at risk of harm, please consider the following options:

Mental Health Emergency Response Line:

Phone: 1300 555 788 Rural: 1800 676 822

This 24 hour-7 days a week triage service consists of professionals who can come to a person's home for emergency assessment. They can also provide advice about what to do in a crisis for consumers and their carers.

Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC):

24 hour emergency line: 08 6458 1828 or 1800 199 888 (free call from landlines).

SARC provides a 24-hour emergency sexual assault (rape crisis) service in metropolitan Perth. This involves medical care, a forensic examination and counselling support to people who have been sexually assaulted (or raped) within the previous 14 days. SARC also provides counselling in centres across the Perth metropolitan area to people who have experienced sexual assault (rape) and sexual abuse in the past. SARC is a free confidential service. It is NOT part of the police, however SARC will support a person's decision to involve the police.

Your nearest Hospital (24/7):         

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital 

6457 3333

Royal Perth Hospital                 

9224 2244


Fremantle Hospital                   

9431 3333

Bentley Health Service              

9416 3666

Fiona Stanley Hospital               

6152 2222

24 hour Telephone Services:


Phone: 13 11

National service 24 hours, 7 days. Crisis Support, Suicide Prevention & Crisis Support Lifeline offers a counselling service that respects everyone’s right to be heard, understood and cared for.

Crisis Care:

Phone: (08) 9223 1111 or Free-call STD: 1800 199 008

Crisis Care is a free telephone information and counselling service for people in crisis needing urgent help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Telephone Crisis Care when:

  • you need someone to help sort out a serious problem.

  • you are concerned about the well being of a child.

  • you are escaping domestic violence and need help.

  • arguments are causing unhappiness and problems in your family.

  • you are alone or afraid and urgently need to talk to someone.

  • you are homeless, you need counselling, information or other support.


Phone: 1800 184 527 or web chat:

QLIFE is a national LGBTI specific telephone and web chat service.  They can provide support, information and referral, of just a safe space to chat.  3 pm-12 am, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.  

Beyond Blue:

Phone: 1300 22 4636 or web chat

24/7 inclusive service via telephone, web chat, email or online forums.  Information and resources for individual and organisations.  

Salvation Army:

Crisis Line: (08) 9442 5777

Bereaved by Suicide Line: 1300 467 354                   
Care Line: 1300 36 36 72 - for general counselling     

Perth 24 hours, 7 days. For crisis counselling & suicide prevention.


Phone: (08) 9381 5555 

Youth-line Perth: (08) 9388 2500 or 

Country-line Regional WA Free-call: 1800 198 313 

Samaritans TTY WA: (08) 9382 8822

The Samaritans provide 24 hour telephone access to suicidal and despairing people in Western Australia.  Call if you are going through a crisis, worried about something, feel upset or confused, or you just want to talk to someone. 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

National Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Helpline:

Phone: 1800 737 732

National 24 hours, 7 days. For anyone who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault. 1800 RESPECT is free, confidential, professionally qualified, specialist counsellors will provide counselling, information, advice and referrals to relevant local services. 

Suicide Call Back Service:

Phone: 1300 659

National 24 hours, 7 days. Provides crisis counselling to people at risk of suicide, carers for someone who is suicidal and those bereaved by suicide, 24 hours per day 7 days a week across Australia.

Translating and Interpreting Service:

Phone: 13 14 50

Information and Support Services (not 24/7):


Transfolk of WA:

A peer based support and information service for all transgender people and their loved ones. 

Telephone: 0450 448 871 M-F business hours, email: 

© 2017 Therapeutic Conversations Clinical Psychology

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